163 research outputs found

    Learning Determinantal Point Processes

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    Determinantal point processes (DPPs), which arise in random matrix theory and quantum physics, are natural models for subset selection problems where diversity is preferred. Among many remarkable properties, DPPs offer tractable algorithms for exact inference, including computing marginal probabilities and sampling; however, an important open question has been how to learn a DPP from labeled training data. In this paper we propose a natural feature-based parameterization of conditional DPPs, and show how it leads to a convex and efficient learning formulation. We analyze the relationship between our model and binary Markov random fields with repulsive potentials, which are qualitatively similar but computationally intractable. Finally, we apply our approach to the task of extractive summarization, where the goal is to choose a small subset of sentences conveying the most important information from a set of documents. In this task there is a fundamental tradeoff between sentences that are highly relevant to the collection as a whole, and sentences that are diverse and not repetitive. Our parameterization allows us to naturally balance these two characteristics. We evaluate our system on data from the DUC 2003/04 multi-document summarization task, achieving state-of-the-art results

    Approximate Inference in Continuous Determinantal Point Processes

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    Determinantal point processes (DPPs) are random point processes well-suited for modeling repulsion. In machine learning, the focus of DPP-based models has been on diverse subset selection from a discrete and finite base set. This discrete setting admits an efficient sampling algorithm based on the eigendecomposition of the defining kernel matrix. Recently, there has been growing interest in using DPPs defined on continuous spaces. While the discrete-DPP sampler extends formally to the continuous case, computationally, the steps required are not tractable in general. In this paper, we present two efficient DPP sampling schemes that apply to a wide range of kernel functions: one based on low rank approximations via Nystrom and random Fourier feature techniques and another based on Gibbs sampling. We demonstrate the utility of continuous DPPs in repulsive mixture modeling and synthesizing human poses spanning activity spaces

    Stuctured Predictions Cascades

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    Structured prediction tasks pose a fundamental trade off between the need for model complexity to increase predictive power and the limited computational resources for inference in the exponentially-sized output spaces such models require. We formulate and develop structured prediction cascades: a sequence of increasingly complex models that progressively filter the space of possible outputs. We represent an exponentially large set of filtered outputs using max marginals and propose a novel convex loss function that balances filtering error with filtering efficiency. We provide generalization bounds for these loss functions and evaluate our approach on handwriting recognition and part-of-speech tagging. We find that the learned cascades are capable of reducing the complexity of inference by up to five orders of magnitude, enabling the use of models which incorporate higher order features and yield higher accuracy

    Multi-task feature selection

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    We address joint feature selection across a group of classification or regression tasks. In many multi-task learning scenarios, different but related tasks share a large proportion of relevant features. We propose a novel type of joint regularization for the parameters of support vector machines in order to couple feature selection across tasks. Intuitively, we extend the β„“1 regularization for single-task estimation to the multi-task setting. By penalizing the sum of β„“2-norms of the blocks of coefficients associated with each feature across different tasks, we encourage multiple predictors to have similar parameter sparsity patterns. This approach yields convex, nondifferentiable optimization problems that can be solved efficiently using a simple and scalable extragradient algorithm. We show empirically that our approach outperforms independent β„“1-based feature selection on several datasets. 1

    Sidestepping Intractable Inference with Structured Ensemble Cascades

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    For many structured prediction problems, complex models often require adopting approximate inference techniques such as variational methods or sampling, which generally provide no satisfactory accuracy guarantees. In this work, we propose sidestepping intractable inference altogether by learning ensembles of tractable sub-models as part of a structured prediction cascade. We focus in particular on problems with high-treewidth and large state-spaces, which occur in many computer vision tasks. Unlike other variational methods, our ensembles do not enforce agreement between sub-models, but filter the space of possible outputs by simply adding and thresholding the max-marginals of each constituent model. Our framework jointly estimates parameters for all models in the ensemble for each level of the cascade by minimizing a novel, convex loss function, yet requires only a linear increase in computation over learning or inference in a single tractable sub-model. We provide a generalization bound on the filtering loss of the ensemble as a theoretical justification of our approach, and we evaluate our method on both synthetic data and the task of estimating articulated human pose from challenging videos. We find that our approach significantly outperforms loopy belief propagation on the synthetic data and a state-of-the-art model on the pose estimation/tracking problem

    Adaptive Pose Priors for Pictorial Structures

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    Pictorial structure (PS) models are extensively used for part-based recognition of scenes, people, animals and multi-part objects. To achieve tractability, the structure and parameterization of the model is often restricted, for example, by assuming tree dependency structure and unimodal, data-independent pairwise interactions. These expressivity restrictions fail to capture important patterns in the data. On the other hand, local methods such as nearest-neighbor classification and kernel density estimation provide nonparametric flexibility but require large amounts of data to generalize well. We propose a simple semi-parametric approach that combines the tractability of pictorial structure inference with the flexibility of non-parametric methods by expressing a subset of model parameters as kernel regression estimates from a learned sparse set of exemplars. This yields query-specific, image-dependent pose priors. We develop an effective shape-based kernel for upper-body pose similarity and propose a leave-one-out loss function for learning a sparse subset of exemplars for kernel regression. We apply our techniques to two challenging datasets of human figure parsing and advance the state-of-the-art (from 80% to 86% on the Buffy dataset [8]), while using only 15% of the training data as exemplars

    Detecting and Parsing Architecture at City Scale from Range Data

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    We present a method for detecting and parsing buildings from unorganized 3D point clouds into a compact, hierarchical representation that is useful for high-level tasks. The input is a set of range measurements that cover large-scale urban environment. The desired output is a set of parse trees, such that each tree represents a semantic decomposition of a building – the nodes are roof surfaces as well as volumetric parts inferred from the observable surfaces. We model the above problem using a simple and generic grammar and use an efficient dependency parsing algorithm to generate the desired semantic description. We show how to learn the parameters of this simple grammar in order to produce correct parses of complex structures. We are able to apply our model on large point clouds and parse an entire city
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